Get Over Yourself; God’s Here!
To the first century, Jesus proclaimed, “Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand!” But what would he announce to the twenty-first century, to a world devoted to the cult or self? Kate Moorehead offers an evocative suggestion: Get Over Yourself; God’s Here!
In this book of Lenten meditations, Morehead reflects pastorally on the nature of sin and repentance in our contemporary context. Repentance is not about focusing more and more attention upon ourselves, upon our faults and failures. Rather, it is a process whereby we shift our attention away from ourselves to God. By focusing upon Jesus and his way of doing things, Moorehead offers a vison for a practice of repentance that helps us address all the ways we separate ourselves from God, while avoiding “the ruts of self-absorption and self-analysis that are so prevalent in our time and culture”. You will embark on a journey of repentance that saves us from ourselves and frees us for a vibrant life with God.
ISBN 0-9618-1128-5
ISBN 978-0-9618-1128-0